Inquiry & Analysis

How have you developed or demonstrated this competency this semester?


Can you give an example of a time when you had to make inferences and judgments based on quantitative data? What assumptions did you make? How confident were you in your analyses? 

I am currently taking a QAC class, Introduction to Network Analysis where we study and analyze datasets to produce a story. this story is our network; it is how the data in our dataset is connected to each other. For example, I recent analysis that I computed was visualizing the network of South West and United Airline flights in the years 2018 and 2023 using R.

Getting the Data: The data was provided to the students by the professor. It was a csv file from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, containing information on the flights done by the South West Airlines (code WN) and by the United Airlines (code UA), in May 2019 and 2023.

Analyzing the Data: One of the things we wanted to show was the number of new South West flights in 2023 based of the year 2019. To achieve this we had to check the flights offered in 2023 that were not present in 2019, count any NA value signify the flight routes that were not present in 2019 which came up to 378 flights, that is 378 new flights added after 2019 and lastly make a plot of South West flights in 2023:

Results: Below is a network of South West flights in the United States. The blue lines represent all new flights after 2019 while the red ones signify those that were present in 2019.

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