Supervisor/Instructor Meeting One

  1. What are you hoping to learn from this experience?
    I am in my Junior year of college and the time for to experience the real world is closely approaching. I am hoping to gain career clarity from the I2P course and I think by completing the requirements, I can. I am looking forward to tackling internship applications and challenges that arise along the way.
  2. How do you see this work as complementing your academic, extracurricular, or career interests? 
    ResLife has been one of my jobs for 5 semesters now and I see it as a way to practice the soft skills that are applicable to the job: organization, service, communication, and time-management. Whenever a student comes to the office or calls the office, I am practicing my greeting skills. There are a lot of complications that can occur when it comes to student residency and having a friendly welcome to receive concerns is important. Having an organized office is also important for the visual perception of the office and so I believe in a tidy workplace. With swimming, academics and work-study, time management is important. By having ResLife a part of my schedule, I am challenged to maintain a productive schedule for all the activities that I am involved in.
  3. What is the best way to give you feedback and support you to ensure your success in this role?
    I would appreciate criticism of all forms in order to be a better student-worker at Res Life. I think support can stem from being involved in any planning as it pertains to student life on campus. As a student myself, I believe I can offer a unique perspective on initiatives at ResLife
  4. Of the six Ideals into Practice competencies, which do you feel play to your strengths or past experiences, and which do you feel need more development?
    Communication is both my strength and something that I believe needs constant development. I believe I am confident in voicing my ideas and disagreements to my peers and those of authority. My mother thought my siblings and me how to be emotionally intelligent such that we think before we speak and answer each other in a civil way. Therefore when it comes to conflict, I take pride in my growth from wanting speak instantly to keeping my tone and communicate my reservations in a stern manner. The reason I say that my communication skills also needs work is due to my relationship with expressing my vulnerable emotions. The culture of Guyana , my home country, is not one such that people can confidently express their feelings/emotions. I’m growing to understand that there are people in this world that truly care about your well-being and that it is okay to confide in such people. I am slowly working my way to this realization and I believe I am better at expressing my vulnerability than I was when I first moved to the USA.