Supervisor/Instructor Meeting Two

  1. What do you feel you learned from this experience?
    – From the I2P experience, I learnt that I need to continue the networking. I do not mind reaching out to people as the worst thing that could happen is a no response. I learnt that I need to take advantage of my resources. I am grateful that that this course required GCC events and meeting career advisors/peer advisors because those requirements allowed me to reflect on my career goals and my future.
  2. How did this work complement your academic, extracurricular, or career interests?
    – After my first meeting , I noticed that I wanted to be more involved in the workplace and I found myself interacting a lot more with the other staff at ResLife. I do have to say that I enjoy the laughter and stories shared in this work environment. It is very welcoming and warming.
  3. What could I have done differently to support you in your role?
    – Jade Steinbeck is a great supervisor in the ResLife office. One thing I value in a workplace is the opportunity of all team members, no matter the rank, to voice their concerns and ideas. I see the way that Jade interacts with Liliana and Amy in the office, all of whom have different levels of experience, and I appreciate such a work environment. During this meeting I could not think of any improvements that I could have asked of Jade.
  4. Looking at the six Ideals into Practice competencies, where do you feel you developed the most this semester through your work here?

    – Collaborative : This semester, I mainly helped make ResLife a fun office through preparing the Spotify playlist, Halloween goodies, etc. It was exciting to contribute to the livelihood and welcomeness of the office
