
Inquiry & Analysis

How have you developed or demonstrated this competency this semester? Quantitative     Can you give an example of a time when you had to make inferences and judgments based on quantitative data? What assumptions did you make? How confident were you in your analyses?  I am currently taking a QAC class, Introduction to Network Analysis where …

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Written     Do you have a piece of writing, presented in any context, for which you are particularly proud? How would you compare your writing skills relative to your classmates? What kind of feedback have you gotten on your writing from experts like professors or editors?  If it is a weakness that I can acknowledge within myself is …

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Teamwork     Tell me about a time when you were working as a member of a team, and the team faced some kind of problem or challenge. Describe the task, the issue, and how your team resolved it.  This is project that will forever remain engrained in my mind. When I was in elementary school, I had a …

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How have you developed or demonstrated this competency this semester? Domain-specific (eg, the arts, the sciences)     Can you give an example of a time when you had to solve a problem that required that you apply something you learned while in college? Was this application based on something you learned in the course of your major? Another class? As …

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Digital Literacy

How have you developed or demonstrated this competency this semester?This semester I had no experience with three programming languages and throughout the last 12 weeks, it has been a continuous leaning journey. At first it was intimidating the lack of knowledge present but as time flew by, I became more comfortable. Sourcing information Give an …

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