How have you developed or demonstrated this competency this semester?
Domain-specific (eg, the arts, the sciences)
Can you give an example of a time when you had to solve a problem that required that you apply something you learned while in college? Was this application based on something you learned in the course of your major? Another class? As a result of other experiences you had?
I have been trying to practice Leet Code problems for technical interviews and a lot of class concepts like graphs, trees, dynamic programming and greedy algorithms present themselves. If it weren’t for my Algorithms class or Technical Interview Student Form, attempting to solve the problems would have been much harder. pursue.
Give an example of when you took a different direction or approach to an assignment or problem. In what way was your direction risky, controversial, or innovative? Why did you choose this approach, and how did you defend it to others?
For my software engineering class this semester, we had to build a mobile musical rating app . At first, I did not have a problem with this topic but as I slowly grew to learn the extent of work required for this project, I realized I was not prepared for this project. Therefore, I decided to take it upon myself learn the syntax, terms, and concepts to at least start the project. I wanted to spend at least 2 days educating myself on as much as I could. When presenting this thought to my group partner, he was skeptical that this would waste time.. However, I reassured him that it would be better to be familiar with the project requirements than diving in a blind man. In the end , we were able to complete this assignment and understand the code we were creating.